Our boy in "What's Up? Eastern Shore"


Goatee Practitioner
Apr 26, 2012
Stevensville, MD
Here is the cover with our boy gracing it:

It's a short, but good article. It mentions the John's Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center and some of Paul's accolades. A brief summary of how Paul started out, about how he wants to be remembered (as a father, a friend, a husband, a brother).
That cover picture reminds me- it probably drives Markie nuts to think Paul is testing out all of his PS guitars while wearing a shirt with buttons...
That's cool.

The title of the magazine reminded me of that show Arrested Development.
"Best + Local Brew revealed"

That wouldn't be Dogfish Head, would it? Best brewery I know of from Delmarva.
That cover picture reminds me- it probably drives Markie nuts to think Paul is testing out all of his PS guitars while wearing a shirt with buttons...

I can hear him cussing from here. :o

I'll also bet Paul was ticked that they cropped that killer amp mostly out of the shot.
JD, were you able to get a copy of this? Now, I really need to get a copy.

I bought that DGT in a weak moment while I was at WWG during NAMM.