Oooooo ..... Shinyyyy....


We were small but we were slow...
Feb 10, 2016
Coastal SC
Man ... Those 57/08's sho do sound good .... Little upgrade in the looks department, too!!!
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Man 5708 just work with swamp ash body and maple neck

Good job!
Had to completely duplicate the wiring outside that tight little cavity and then solder the pickup leads. Instead of a black and red wire soldered and taped like the original 4 wire pickups, I had to heat shrink the red bridge tap lead on these 3 wire rascals!

57/08's rock and they're the only pair I own! Between these and the Dragon II's in my SE Violet CU24, I have two excellent SE flavors. The CU24 has a 6 way blade switch in it!
I unbolted the pots and the switch so that I could make the pickup lead connections outside with clamp stands.
Personally, I think it's a shame that the S2 and current SE control cavities are so small and with non-recessed covers, unlike both the Cores and the Korean SEs, at least all of them that I'm familiar with.

Fortunately, occasional QC matters aside, it sounds like the current SEs can be great guitars. Glad yours is one of the great ones! Even more with the 57/08s!