Ooohh, You sexy thing you!!!


Cream Crackered
Apr 30, 2012
Warrington, Nr Liverpool UK
Well now, it seems that according to a new French study we (Guitar players of this world) are:

Attractive to 31% of women (When carrying a guitar case) compared to...
14% Of men who carry nothing.
9% Of men carrying a sports bag.

Yep, more women will give their numbers / go on a date with a man carrying a guitar case than a sports bag or nothing at all.

In another Israeli study a Male Facebook user who had a profile photo of them with a guitar got responses (to friend requests) from 28% the women they sent the request to compared to 10% of responses when they didn't have a guitar in the photo.

The researchers claim that:

"the fact that playing a musical instrument is a sign that the man is intelligent, can learn, or is willing to learn, new skills and has independent hobbies.

They believe there may also be a link between how musicians are portrayed in the media, and that holding a guitar is a sign of wealth and status."

Unfortunately both where small scale studies which are unreliable. But let's not get bogged down with that kind of detail. Instead rejoice in the fact that we are irresistible to the laydees!!!

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Gonna have to change my facebook profile pic now. Hello laydeeeeess

I'm confused at the moment...

My F'book pic is the same as I have here. My face is half a guitar which should make me irresistible.

But I remember a study that said the more symmetrical your face the more attractive you are. I may have cancelled them both out!
Shortly before I started dating my girlfriend, she came to a show. We're going on 6 months now. She told me that she asked her cousin (who has dated guitar players in the past) if all guitar players are, um, "good with their hands". When you're seen with a guitar, there's a lot that gets implied about you, good and bad. I've found success in making sure I demonstrate the good and avoid exemplifying the bad. :wink:
Put another way:

Attractive to 31% of women (When carrying a guitar case)

= Still unattractive to 69% of women.

The odds are still pretty slim, boys.

Now I'd like you to compare this with another study done at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre:

Attractive to 100% of women (When carrying accordion case)

Attractive to 10% of women (When carrying guitar case)

Attractive to 2% of women (When carrying golf bag)
My wife says I'm much more attractive when I'm playing guitar, but that's mainly because I'm in another room.
I can testify. I've loaded my FB profile with photos of me, playing guitar and then I successfully befriended a hot movie star, Vica Kerekes.

I even poked her, but she never poked me back...

I guess these folks never dated a broke-ass guitar player who can't keep a job and mooches off their significant other. LOL

Ha kind of reminds me of the joke what does a hot chick do with her a**hole ? Take him to band practice :rofl:
I'm going to start walking around with my plum coloured SE bag and see what happens....

I predict the results of my study will be:

38% slapped me in the face.
63% walked off laughing.
101% knew I was a man with poor maths skills, thus a poor choice for a mate.