Old (‘89) CE questions


New Member
Dec 8, 2023
Hello! I have an early ‘89 “Classic Electric”(serial number in the upper 600s), that I bought used in ‘94. It came with what I believe to be an original 3-way toggle, and I’m thinking of swapping to a 5-way rotary for more tonal options after all of these years. Does anyone know how they determined what switch CEs were given back then? I’ve seen many of similar vintage with the toggle, but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen other CEs from the first couple of years with the rotary switch.

If I make the change I’ll probably get the $200 pre-wired kit that PRS sells, since I’m far from what I’d consider good at soldering/wiring. These kits have the “newer” rotary switch with a circuit board - other than this are there any differences between this switch and the original ‘80s version?

Thanks in advance!

‘89 Classic Electric (Black/RW)
‘90 EG-4 (midnight blue)
Welcome, Matt.

Great guitar there. I'm not 100% sure but I'm fairly certain the 89 models originally came with the 5 way wafer rotary switch.

I'm sure others with more knowledge will chime in though.
Hi Matt, first congrats on a great guitar. I have #480ish. I don't believe the early CE's ever had the 5 way until they changed them to mahogany and maple and put the HFS/ Vintage in them. Yours will be alder with a maple neck and may or may not have a rosewood fretboard.

The 3 way was a switch that split the buckers in the middle position. A very unique wiring. When I got mine, they had replaced the original switch and I had to research it to find the right one to get it back original.

You can certainly use the 5 way rotary. The circuit board version has all the positions the same but one. I can't remember but position 2 or 4 isn't exactly the same as the original version but neither was in the early CE's so it really doesn't matter unless you wanted that particular sound. Remember you have to flip the magnet on the bridge pup to wire it to the rotary. IIRC...or maybe just use flip the white and black wires. That is what I had to do to get mine back original. If I wired it the "normal" way it sounded like I had a Wah pedal in the chain when I didn't. A very odd sound.
Easier to flip the wire like AP515 states. It’s the out of phase sound. I like that sound in a big 50’s Jazz box playing blues. Anyhow the #4 position in early rotary’s was both outside coils my least favorite for any usable sound that being said I’m a big fan of the rotary switch and have many older CU24’s with them. Second would be the toggle. You can toss the newer five way blades. Don’t like the switch quality or position (my .002).
I had one of those '89 Classic Electrics, and it did come with the 5-way wafer switch. I bought mine in '92 or so, and have no reason to believe it was modified in any way. That switch looked bloody complicated and I'm not the kind of genius who could understand the extra lugs and wires and doodads it had on it. Can't imagine that the current switch wouldn't do the job you need.
Thanks for the detailed (and quick) replies!

I recently bought the StewMac wiring kit with their version of the 5-way rotary, but upon opening it and seeing how detailed the wiring is, I got intimidated and realized it’s way above my pay grade. I did flip the magnet on the bridge pickup I’m installing, so that step’s taken care of.

BTW, I’m trying a pickup swap along with this rewire. I got a good deal on a used set of Fralin Modern PAFs, so I’ll see how they sound in it, and (hopefully) how they do with the 5-way. Haven’t heard them in person yet, and pickup comparisons are always so subjective on YouTube, so I hope they live up to their hype. (I had a set of Lindy’s single coils in another guitar long ago, so I know what a great pickup designer/winder he is.)

My ‘89 is black with the natural “binding”, maple neck w/ rosewood board, and the natural “PRS Electric” headstock. It had been played a fair amount already when I bought it way back in ‘94, but for $650 (including OHSC!) I wasn’t too picky.

More to come, and thanks again for your replies and help so far!
Sounds a lot like mine. Here's a photo. I found mine for $550 but it was because they hadn't flipped the magnet and it was unplayable for the sound so they dumped it and I was the lucky guy there to sweep it up.
I think the best way to get it wired properly is go to support tab on prs page. It will have wire diagrams for all guitars.

John Mann guitar vault sells those blue wafer switches that prs used.

If you're going to use none prs pickups then wire colors will be different as per the prs wire diagram.

Love to see pics of the guitar. Not sure I could resist buying a fairly priced 80s CE.