Oh boy, guess what I got?

Early in life, "Guess what I Got!" usually meant red hots or atomic fireballs. In my teens and 20's, well, it usually came in a baggie. Ever since the last year of the '80's or so, it might have meant an "A" in a class (I returned to school later in life), a nice bottle of wine, a Whopper, or nowadays something cool to share here. @????, glad you got something cool to share here! How about Hoarse Sheet? Anyway, I have but haven't tried yet the Mary Cries. I'm kind of thinking the MC and the 'orse teat might replace the BD-2w and the Sugar Drive, should I decide I need two PRS pedals. A clean boost / compressor and a far more functional Klone. Whatcha think? I've never completely fallen for the BD-2w. The sugar Drive is supposedly "Klone-ish." Anyway, please keep up the impressions, if for no other reason than to catalog all the various rhymes for Boar's Feet.
Early in life, "Guess what I Got!" usually meant red hots or atomic fireballs. In my teens and 20's, well, it usually came in a baggie. Ever since the last year of the '80's or so, it might have meant an "A" in a class (I returned to school later in life), a nice bottle of wine, a Whopper, or nowadays something cool to share here. @????, glad you got something cool to share here! How about Hoarse Sheet? Anyway, I have but haven't tried yet the Mary Cries. I'm kind of thinking the MC and the 'orse teat might replace the BD-2w and the Sugar Drive, should I decide I need two PRS pedals. A clean boost / compressor and a far more functional Klone. Whatcha think? I've never completely fallen for the BD-2w. The sugar Drive is supposedly "Klone-ish." Anyway, please keep up the impressions, if for no other reason than to catalog all the various rhymes for Boar's Feet.

'Atomic Fireballs'? I think there's a cream for that.

OTOH 'Atomic Fireballs' could be DTR's new handle.
For two such diverse groups they named themselves after, these two members seem to have many similar characteristics. I mean even, Julie and Sofia, as different as they are, were on the same show for 10 years. They both love the Archon... I mean, if someone didn't know better, I could see how they could confused the two.
I Am Ok With Watching The Two Of Them Work Their "Confusion" Out.

Congrats On Your New Foot Machine. :)
I only had about 15 minutes with it tonight, but played NF3>Mary Cries> force beat> HDRX20>PRS 2x12

I have for some time felt that as good as the HDRX 20 is, it is not “my style” amp. However, as I’ve said in the past, with the Amp11 or Zendrive it sounds great. I need to spend more time with it, but the “force beat” might be the best one yet with it. In just a few seconds, I was able to dial in tone that I would gladly work with any time. No, not the magical stuff I had last night with the Blistertone, but really good tone and a gain level I could do the more singing type gain stuff I like to do.

The HDRX is definitely a more “vintage” style tone, and that’s really not my thing, but this pedal takes it to a place I really dig. I could do a classic rock or blues gig with that setup any time and it would sound great. Again, the flexability of the voice knob, plus having B and T, really allow you to shape things to what you want with now two very different amps.

So far, the force beat is still batting 1.000!
Just wondering if PRS sees these threads and considers a more serious approach for naming the next batch of new pedals… 😛😛😛
You mean something real serious like, oh, I dunno, 'Fuzz Face', or 'Cry Baby', or 'Big Muff', or 'Obsessive Compulsive Drive', or 'Electric Mistress', or 'Rat', something along those lines?