The strings seem sorted out, so I'll pick a different nit...
If you renew your Signature Club membership before your expiration date, your new expiration date is now the date you renewed. That is, if you renew a month early, your new expiration date is now a month earlier - the effect is you pay for 12 and get 11 months. The more proactive you are about renewing, the shorter your "year".
I am a member from year one. I signed up at the Experience the first September it was offered. I signed my GF up a year ago in the summer so she could attend the Experience as a member instead of as a guest. While I was on the site, I renewed my own. POOF - I lost 3 months of membership as my expiration date was changed to July.
Then it happened again this year when I renewed us both last month.
A call to the Sullivan group got both of our memberships changed to September expires, but as far as I know, the database and signup/renewal system has not changed...
What is the chance that Sullivan will convert its registration system to allow for a true, static membership signup/expiration date?
I'd also be curios to know whether others have had tins problem.