
Oct 19, 2012
Boulder, CO
Well, it showed up today! I'm in love! It's not a perfect flame, but it's good, and the top and back also match. Is that normal?

This is my third guitar (Mira and SC HB Std) with 57/08s, and I still love them. Both of the other guitars have coil taps, and I can already tell I'm going to have to do this mod here, too. I really wanted an SC HB I, because I was worried about the II being too bright with a maple top and back. Out of the three guitars I have with these pickups, this is the darkest! I was a little shocked, in a good way. It's a throaty, bluesy beast. I may end up swapping the 11s for 10s at some point, but that's down the road.

Photos courtesy of Sweetwater:



And one of our bassist's new beaut:

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Congrats man! Matching axes. Killer! I love me some PRS HB. A McCarty HB was my very first PRS.
I am going to organize a regional gathering. I'll look forward to meeting you and that green machine when I do. :)
Not what I expected, but totally on point.


Thanks. I have been jonesing hard for a 408 or Brent Mason, in part because of the pickups, but also because I haven't been able to find an SC HB I or II in the price range I could commit to--even used. I'm still interested in the 408-guitars, but not for a while.

That's quite a pair you have there! Beautiful! Congrats.

The bass isn't mine, but it'll be on stage next to me.:)

]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;93550 said:
I am going to organize a regional gathering. I'll look forward to meeting you and that green machine when I do. :)

I was thinking of doing the same. Let me know and I'll help coordinate in any way I can. I am dying to play a couple of yours!

Nice score! I already knew that already, I totally internet stalked the guitar and matched your first photo to the ones on their site :)

I drooled over it for a while. Glad the deal worked out. Lemme know if you ever wanna swap 626 for a few weeks.;)
Nice! Almost positive Mark S. @ Sweetwater showed me that one (I remember from the figuring on the top opposite of the controls!) when I got my Makena Blue HBII.
Very nice NGD indeed....hope you get a blanket for the dog house lol
Very nice NGD indeed....hope you get a blanket for the dog house lol

OMG..that's AWESOME!
Paul, are you listening (Shawn, tell him)? You gotta add a doghouse blanket to the real $$$$ PRSs.
You know how Gibby has those little satin(?) cover slips in the cases? Well just add a little (airline size) blanket with a pic of a doghouse and maybe a Bulldog (or better yet, inline with the PRS book of birds and the Peanuts...a little birdie on top of the doghouse) and the words PRS DOGHOUSE BLANKET on the top of the blanket.

I know Paul likes to smile and laugh...don't know if he has THAT much of a sense of humor, or if he wants a joke in his cases but I think it's a pretty awesome idea.
Heck, if it's a Dragon or something, might as well throw-in an actual, a HOUSE for the price of one of those things. They have surely been the instigators of a divorce or two?

Anyway...sorry for the sidetrack. The OP guitar is definitely drool material (and maybe divorce material).