NGD PRS Custom 24 Orange Tiger 2013 FM (long overdue) & Guitar Cover Vid


New Member
May 22, 2012
Hi there PRS Community,

I'd like to share my guitar (& playing) for the first time: 2013 PRS Custom 24 | Flamed-Maple (Non-10) Orange Tiger | 57/08 | Pattern Thin, (acquired May 2013) with a humble attempt to cover LoG's "WWMIH".


Apologies for the audio & video, this is just RAW phone cam & audio capture (use headphones/crank it up!). I really would've wanted it to be "pro" like: good mix (my laptop's broken atm, somebody donate me a macbook pro pls! :p), but I'm just happy to be playing again (stopped playing for 2.5 years) & learn to play my fave music. I realize I play better when I'd just woken up, got out of bed, & no warm-ups/practice, but it's a decent take so I thought it's good enough (though can still be polished)-this is the 6th take & solo is 3rd take. There are few minor mistakes: about 3 dead notes in the solo/riffs & 2 in intro. There's a riff section that didn't cut through the recording even though they're not choked notes. The backing track (jammit) is guitarless except for the bridge section (03:07-23 mark, so I didn't play that riff).
Amp: Yamaha THR10
A&V(Raw): Samsung Galaxy S6

Thanks & stay Guitar-Lover!
PRS Custom 24 | 2013 | Orange Tiger FM (Non-10) | 57/08 | Pattern Thin