Zombie Thirteen, DFZ
Sweet guitar...with a top like that, no one is looking at your knobs...

Clear is my choice for the knobs.
This is what happens when you go PS people. Within a month or two of your first you've already found a way to buy your second.
This is what happens when you go PS people. Within a month or two of your first you've already found a way to buy your second.
Niiiiiiiiice!!!! You on a roll?????
This is what happens when you go PS people. Within a month or two of your first you've already found a way to buy your second.
Congrats again G-Money.
Damn, Gian! I remember you showing me some pics of this, but that looks awesome! I usually don't like the all clear knobs much, but looks cool with that guitar. Can't wait to try that one out too. Gear party in Madison as soon as the Archon arrives! What is that color called?
This is what happens when you go PS people. Within a month or two of your first you've already found a way to buy your second.
Congrats again G-Money.
Not me. My one PS is fantastic, great, wonderful, love it. Happy with it, would do it again to suit a need I had in a heartbeat.
But -
I don't feel a big pull to get another PS at this point. I honestly dig the production guitars just as much. This isn't to say that PS aren't often more wonderful, merely that I love the production ones so much that I don't feel an "if only..." And when I pick up a regular PRS, I don't feel like I've stepped down in quality at all.
That's a good thing, it shows how absolutely great PRS' regular guitars are. I'm pretty certain I'd never trade my Artist V for any guitar, even a PS. It's that good (for me, YMMV, all that disclaimer stuff).
I do appreciate the artistic beauty and finishing touches on the PS models, of course.