NGD: DGT (I FINALLY made it to the dance!)


New Member
Jan 30, 2014
I've never purchased a guitar that I had to do NOTHING to, out of the box. Well, I did loosen the truss rod a 1/4 turn, but that's it. She's everything I expected. Best coil splits I've heard (I have a tele and strat to compare). It cost a kidney, but I understand why these high-end PRSi bring the prices they do. Oh- and I like poly; to be honest, I like that's it's so durable, and I don't have to worry about "which polish is ok" to use on it or anything... but I have to say, this new PRS "nitro process" (you guys know the details better than me), feels amazing.

I actually used inheritance money I recently got (mom finally passed, dad passed 26 years ago), so I feel like my parents bought it for me- a bucket list item.

And I finally got to buy from Wildwood- Lord knows I've watched enough of their videos! LOL!

I got Yellow Tiger, only partially because I've always dug Grissom's. But I almost waited for a yellow one or blue one. But we also recently lost our pup, Stevie (Ray Vaughan), and he was a brindle greyhound. I think the yellow tiger is reminiscent of the brindle coloring. Debating whether or not to change the bar tip to cream.

Let's see if the embed code works...
At first, the neck felt a TAD fat to me, BUT- I'm coming from Fender Modern C profiles. I've been playing it a few days, and today I was going over the setlist (I have rehearsal tonite) and I suddenly found alot of things EASIER to play! I was shocked. My fingers just fell where they needed to, almost as if the neck profile put my hand in a better position than my beloved Modern C's I've been playing for 30 years (I have 3 of them).

So- it's coming to rehearsal tonite! (which was not the original plan LOL). I just have to make sure the strap is absolutely secure, I couldn't imagine dropping the thing, I'd probably have a panic attack on the spot LOL
A precious keepsake to remember your mom and dad even more.
Wildwood - especially Bruce - sold me a Gristlemaster in Kochwork Orange (and Greg was willing to sing the back) and a few years earlier my PRS 513 MT.
I wanted one of those orange GMs- but I'm not a big guy (5'8"), and the regular-sized tele is big enough LOL. Awesome guitars!