[/url][/IMG] Picked this up today from the Nashville Guitar Center. Only Custom 24 SE they had in the building. Plays VERY NICELY. Quick tune, and it was ready to go. This one was made in Indonesia at Cor Tek. Not positive on exactly when it was made but the serial is CTI A01455. From a distance it looks simply stunning, but once I got it home and started really looking at it very closely, I'm not a happy camper. If I am being overly pickly, then please let me know but as you can see from the pictures, if they attach correctly, the fret board has LOTS of places where it looks like white lines beside the frets. Sorta like the fret board was painted, then they pressed the frets in leaving light areas ? Can also see spots in the fret board that it looks like a lighter color is "bleeding" through ? Not sure what is going on, but it looks "not quite right" to me.
My apologies, apparently I didn't post the picture links correctly