NGD Blueberry 1957/2008


New Member
Apr 20, 2013
Hi all,

Just received my second PRS (I am lucky enough to say) so thought I would share.

Has a bit of a story this one. I saw it on eBay around 2 years ago and just missed out on the auction and always kind of thought of it as the one that got away and still occasionally looked at the pics etc.. whilst scouring the internet trying to find another one. Strangely I never quite saw another blueberry 57/08 ltd that quite grabbed me like this one so moved on. I eventually purchased a 2013 CU24 in Whale Blue that is amazing and I fully love and have had for only a few months when this bad boy appeared yet again on the bay. I couldnt quite believe it and had to A/B pictures to confirm it was indeed the same guitar. Not that I needed much persuasion but I managed to convince myself that it was meant to be and chucked up a bid before going to bed fully expecting not to win it and woke up to a nice surprise!

The guitar showed up about 10 days later and it is even more gorgeous in person than the pictures made out. The Blueberry colours seem to vary quite a bit in the pics I have seen online and I really love the colour tone on this one. It is equally as purple as it is blue and has a great quilt top that sets it off.It plays very much like my 2013. Interestingly the WT neck on the 57/08 feels almost identical to the Pattern neck on the 2013. I have
not had much play time on her yet but the 57/08's do have a very nice organic sound that I am enjoying very much. I play mainly with high gain so not really what they were made for but seem to work just fine!

Enough chat, on to the pics (colour is hard to capture but the first pic is the best real world representation) :

WOW, that is a stunner! That blueberry is a great color, wish it was still in the lineup.

What pickups does your 2013 have? Have you had time to compare?
The 2013 has the HFS/VB combo and I have only compared really briefly but the do not sound massivley dissimilar. My comparison isn't really fair as I only tried at very high gain. The 57/08 is definitely a little less hot than the HFS and maybe a tad less compressed which I guess is expected. The 57/08's are very dynamic and sound great but so do the HFS/VB's!
WOW, I like that. I find the lower output pickups to be effective with high gain stuff, but I do not play much of that at all. While the high outpickups are turnkey if you will, the lower output pups seem to better at fine tuning with settings and pedals and such.
Lovely color.... maybe time they brought that one back!
The SC 245 from that run was my first blue PRS. I think my DGT is the only non-blue one that was bought since that one. And I never thought of myself as a blue guitar guy.

Great example from that run! And a nice story, to boot.
Drool....blueberry with white pickup covers. Kinda like blueberries with whipped cream...tasty
Came back to look again. There have been a few Experience guitars that simply wreck my face. These were one of them. Love this color.