NGD! '89 CE24 :)


New Member
Apr 21, 2015
Hello everybody! I was asking questions about the early CEs, and I finally got it, so it only figures a pic is in order 🥰

It's from 1989, has a Chainsaw and VB, wiring is not original (I'm asking about that in the wiring thread), and the bad news is that a wing snapped when setting them in the right direction (I almost jumped out the window in sadness)... Luckily I had a Gotoh in my parts drawer that I put in there for the time being...
Thanks for the help and comments last week!


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The elusive "Chainsaw" pickup--it does exist!!! Note that (I believe, from what I'm seeing in the pictures, and have read about them) that it has 2 rows of slug poles and no screw poles. Apparently it's similar to the 11.5k Deep Dish (Alnico V) and Deep Dish II (Alnico II) but with a Ceramic magnet. I bet it screams!
Welcome to the pre-Peavey club! Yours has a maple fretboard. Pretty cool. Here's mine.
It has SD59's in the photo but I have since put it back to original with a correct toggle switch and the original pickups.
Nice. That's a rocker!

You can get a new collar from John Mann (all around good dude and original maker of the collars), but they ain't cheap.

I also see a couple listings for a single treble side tuner on Reverb that are cheaper. They're the later style, so the tuner won't fit, but you should be able to steal the collar off of it.
Thanks for all the replies guys!! :D

The elusive "Chainsaw" pickup--it does exist!!! Note that (I believe, from what I'm seeing in the pictures, and have read about them) that it has 2 rows of slug poles and no screw poles. Apparently it's similar to the 11.5k Deep Dish (Alnico V) and Deep Dish II (Alnico II) but with a Ceramic magnet. I bet it screams!

Haha! Yes it does, and yes it has all slugs... I'll post more pics.
Welcome to the pre-Peavey club! Yours has a maple fretboard. Pretty cool. Here's mine.
It has SD59's in the photo but I have since put it back to original with a correct toggle switch and the original pickups.

Hey man, that´s beautiful... Covered pickups really worked on that, too... Since you went back to stock, would you happen to have a correc diagram?

I have the part. Dm your info and I'll send it to you.

Wow man, that's really awesome, I'll contact you and try to figure it out 🥲🤯
Here are some cavity shots, whatever someone knows about whats written there, excellent :D

What I can make out is the date on the neck, and the "787" in the neck heel matches the serial number... Now, the 784 in the bridge pickup cavity, along with "BL Reg and RF", I don't know what that is... And the Chainsaw "sticker", I love how 35 year old scotch tape still sticks 😆


And I figured out how to post pics correctly 😎
Hey man, that´s beautiful... Covered pickups really worked on that, too... Since you went back to stock, would you happen to have a correc diagram?
I did at one time. I'll take some pics when I get back home (I'm on vacation) and you can see the wiring from my photos. Will be a week or so...