NExpGD...The 594...


Zombie 10, DFZ
Apr 1, 2013
I went into PRSX with the best of intentions...All I really wanted was a 594...and I already had one reserved from Brian's upcoming WL 594 run (And have you seen the tops picked for those? Crazy nice.)

Had to do a triple take when I saw this one...I thought all of the original GOM 594 February guitars were long gone...sold out in like 10 minutes...then I spotted this at the Dealer Showcase Signature Event...

Tosca: "What's THAT Brian?"
Brian: "Had them do a PS 594 with the original GOM like it?" (Smiling knowingly)
Tosca: (attempting not to drool visibly) "Yeah...I guess it's pretty cool, but I already reserved that WL 594 ya know."
Tosca takes another lap around the dealer tables...calmly drinks a second complimentary beverage...

Second Lap...takes a closer look...

Brian: "Thinking about it?"
Tosca: "I don't's kind of cool I guess..."

Shortly after my third lap it looked like this...

Purchasing lubrication works most of the time. I'm surprised PRS hasn't setup some taps in the dealer area for the Experience.

Congrats on a stunner!
Gorgeous guitar Tosca! Everything about it says class.

Edit: my iPad works hard to embarrass me.
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WARNING: Walking, thinking and drinking may be hazardous to your wallet. Grats on the 594. Your collection is absolutely amazing.