New Update: PRS SE NF3 Grounding HUM w/ Vol. pot is turned down…(I think I found the cause).

Nathan Shane

New Member
Aug 14, 2023
Dallas, TX.
Ooops, sorry…I overlooked the fact that my response is talking about the Fender Tone Master Pro (TMP modeler) and the PRS SE NF3. However, others have reported the “hum” issue outside of using the TMP.

Okay everyone, we’ve all been going through the same issue of an increase in what sounds like grounding hum when rolling back the SE NF3 Volume Pot. It took me a while to discover an answer, so here it is in a nutshell…

The increase in hum is related to the “Input Impedance” parameter being set to AUTO, this setting causes the loudest hum compared to the other FIXED IMPEDANCE settings. However, there is a downside to selecting any setting other than AUTO, and that’s a significant decrease in the input volume and high frequency roll off as well. Basically, Input Impedance set for AUTO sounds the best, with a louder input signal and little to no loss of high frequencies.

In addition, there is still another issue directly related to the Input Impedance setting of the Fender Tone Master Pro.
1. Create an empty preset
2. Make sure the Input Impedance is set to: AUTO
3. Make sure the Signal Path Type is set to: INSTRUMENT SERIES []-[]-[]-[]-[]
4. Add any FX, EQ, Gain, etc. if you want to boost your preset’s audio level.
5. Turn down your guitars VOLUME KNOB to around 8.5 (this knob position seems to produce the loudest HUM)
6. Now navigate back to Signal Path Type and change it to: MIC/LINE SERIES []-[]-[]-[]-[]

RESULT: The HUM goes away (greatly minimizes).

So what does this prove? I think this issue(s) indicates a bug in the TMP firmware.
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