New SE245..question re volume controls.


2018 SE245
Feb 1, 2018
Just bought an SE 245 singlecut and am loving it! One very newbie question which I have after 2 days of owning it. I have an old Epiphone Lp style, and the volumes are exactly do the 245's work ?
Thanks for any help..I'm sure this question has been asked before, but I didn't see it posted so far.
All has been explained by the guitar tech where I bought it...seems at a certain setting you can roll off the vol.w/ the one knob. Anyhow, that's how how the story went...I wasn't aware that was the case when I posted the question. Having stopped playing 40 years ago, I decided to take it up again when I retired last year. I sure have a bit of a ways to go, but am truly loving this guitar. The neck felt like an old friend the first time I picked it up; I was sold. Thanks for the replies...I've never been on a forum before...really nice folks here.