New PRS Studio just had setup done noticing rattling/pinging sound when playing fretted notes on G string?


New Member
Apr 22, 2020

So after getting my guitar I got an included setup from the guitar store I bought it from.

After I got it back I was testing it playing acoustically and I noticed that the is this pinging sound when plucking fretted notes on the g string basically all along the string and I don't know what's causing it.

I took the guitar back to the guy who thought maybe it just needs some more bend in the neck so he did this changing the action of the guitar to make it higher but I'm still noticing that sound somewhat and am concerned this is preventing the string resonating properly.

He mentioned when he did the original setup that he adjusted the saddles on the guitar and I'm wondering now if this is what caused it perhaps?

Bit confused why it's not perfect after asking him to set it up as per PRS spec?
Could be a bad string. Does the Studio have a tremolo bridge? Could it be the trem springs?
Could be a bad string. Does the Studio have a tremolo bridge? Could it be the trem springs?
Not a bad string as I had a second set up done on it new strings. Also took off the back plate so I could listen to the springs while strumming but didn't hear anything. I'm wondering if one of the frets isn't level or something.
hmmmm, maybe check the feet on the g string saddle. If your tech adjusted the height, perhaps there is not equal pressure on the saddle screws allowing one of them to vibrate against the base plate.
Could be buzzing at the bridge…I had this happen with a PRS hard tail on the high E string. My guitar guy fixed with a light filing of the notch under that string.
I ended up exchanging the guitar( again) and now the replacement guitar which is brand a brand new studios high e string intonation screw is extremely loose, I can see that the saddle is basically all the way towards the headstock that it can go and it feels like it could fall out, plus when I pluck the string it causes a weird rattling sound for the screw.

How can a brand new guitar this expensive have these issues and what is the solution?
Knowing that PRS are world-renowned for their quality-control and for shipping their guitars from the factory with an excellent set-up (so much so it’s the ONLY brand I’d consider buying without first playing it, i.e. via the Internet) then why did your dealer need to do anything at all to it — especially if all you changed was the string brand and not the string gauge? Assuming your dealer is factory-authorized…
I have seen more bad setups done by shop set up techs on PRS than any other guitar I have ever seen , I'm not sure what baffles folks , I had to teach the guy I use for bigger jobs ( routing and such ) how to set up a PRS Trem bridge.
I have also gotten great deals on PRS that just had bad set ups , poorly recut nuts ( and or lube gumbed all over ) Wrap and Trem bridges all out of wack and wacky truss rod adjustment. usually takes me an hour ( mostly less ) to undo this work and I end up with a killer guitar !!!!.
I NEVER have a shop tech set up a PRS guitar.