New PRS Strings with Rust spots


New Member
May 15, 2012
Philadelphia, PA
Just a suggestion that PRS should start air sealing their string sets or putting some rust prevention bag material.

Bought some 'new' PRS String packages where all of the high strings had some very small rust spots on them. Apparently they were old new stock.
I can't seem to be able to take the rust spots out to at least try to use them for a while. Seller admitted he was not aware and gave me a refund so no damage in this case.

Aware of this I inquired a separate seller to check the strings he had listed, they had the same issue and he had to refrain from selling 25 packs of them.

I think a sealed enclosure should be standard on these high end strings. Those of you who got a big number of sets for buying a new guitar should store them on zip-lock bags to extend their life.

Pictures of the issue, click for bigger:
