New pickups?


New Member
Jul 5, 2013
Hello everyone!
I am new to the forum as I just acquired my beautiful 2006 custom 22 se
so my question is about swapping pickups. I play metalica GNR stuff like that,and I was wondering what pickups go good with this guitar for those styles? Not sure about going to actives on this axe.

anybody who has changed them out,please tell me me what pickups and how you like them

If you want to lean more to the GnR side(more rock) I'd try the PRS 5909s, if more on the Metallica metal side, the new \m/ pickups are probably a good place to start. The Mira pickups are great all around pickups too, more on the vintage side but do well with hard rock. Dragon II's are probably most in the middle with how hot they are.