The DC resistance of pickups is pretty nearly worthless without further details (wire diameter). E. g. a pickup with known 42 AWG and low DC resistance of 5.-ish kOhm might sound crispier, whilst another with 6.-ish kOhm will sound more emphasized in the mids, because of more output voltage.
More relevant is the figure of inductivity to tell something about the behaviour of the pickup.
The higher inductivity, the more output (in coincidence there will be a reduction of high frequencies).
Additionally the magnet types have an inpact on frequencies, too.
If you don't care about the capacity of the guitar cable, and Paul himself points out, that the guitar cable has a big influence on the sound of the guitar, you risk even more loss of highs by a high capacity cable.
And - as mentioned by colleagues before - a demo on their gear is one thing. The guitar need to sound with your signal chain.