New member - here are my PRSi

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Hello all! Just found this place, cool forum!

I haven't been playing PRS guitars for long but I think I've finally found the guitars for me. I went from strats to les Pauls and then to PRS... I don't think I'll ever look back. My first was a Mira X which absolutely smokes and boy is it light! I recently got a McCarty and its the greatest guitar I've ever played. I absolutely love everything about it and I highly doubt it will ever leave my #1 spot. I now have an SE ONE on the way, should be here Friday and I'm psyched! These guitars are just perfect for the stuff I'm doing... My main band is a classic rock trio and I also host an open mic in another band. So I'm no big time musician but its just awesome to have such great guitars, I'm really enjoying them

so, I just wanted to pop in and say hi - here are my guitars:

Welcome! So when can we schedule those pics for the SE One? :biggrin:
Thanks everyone! The ONE will be here today! I'll give it some strap locks, a spit shine and set it up with 10's then I'll give it a workout. After that, pics and report in the form of an NGD thread ;)
Hello! Not been here long myself and only one PRS to my name but there seems to be a lot of good banter and some sick private stock pictures to drool over on here so I'm happy! Just need to win the lottery so Imcan order my own PS now ... :)
I got the One yesterday and its pretty sweet! Here's a phone pic... I'll get some proper pics and start a real NGD thread soon

image by jcv, on Flickr