I just got a CU 24 floyd and have similar problems. I got a 1 spot CS-7 that removed a lot of noise from my pedal board, especially from digital reverb and delay but I still get a little buzz from the guitar. My OD pedal and G10 wireless relay seems to boost the faint 60 cycle hum that remains.
The remaining noise seems to be radio emissions or something because it seems to be directional with the angle of the guitar. Today I decided to add some copper shielding to just the control cavity since I don't want to change strings. The guitar already has shielding tape and I wasn't impressed with the input jack (replaced the jack while I was in there. Removed all the electronics, probed all the solder joints with a toothpick just in case, seemed fine. Installed the copper tape and closed it up. Buzz is greatly diminished. It's still there with volume over 7 on the guitar but a fraction of the old loudness. A little hum with coil tap which is normal since with only about 10% of the second coil sounding your not getting full humbucking.
I'm probably going to get a Furman M-8Lx lights filter/conditioner since I have a modeling amp, tube amp, pedal board, computer, marshall woburn speaker, couple of lamps, two monitors etc all plugged into one outlet and being in an older house that's not grounded, I tapped the outlet with a seperate wire to cast iron plumbing outside. Registers as grounded outside, but it's probably not very good.
Anyway, the copper shielding tape made a pretty big difference in my case, and that was just the control cavity. The New power supply helped with the pedal noise.