new guy just checking in


New Member
Dec 29, 2013
Hello all, my name is randy and i am a guitarahaulic.
i have been spying on this forum for a few days trying to learn more about the PRS guitars and the P22 mostly. just wanted to say thanks for the info i have received and in the future info as well.
also i made the drive to Martins Guitars in Memphis TN to day and must say the staff there was very helpful and friendly. the best part was that they stock loads of PRS guitars and several P22's so i finally got my hands on one. after a test drive i am in love (lust) with the P22 and must own one. i would have pulled the trigger on one today but was short on bullets ($$$) but will get there soon i hope.

Welcome Randy! As you can see, the lust runs deep around here, you're not alone!

I'm relatively new here myself, and I'm sure you too can see that this place is a smoldering cauldron of GAS. I myself am in the market at the time, as can be seen from my recent threads asking for input and support :-)
Welcome to the forum, Randy!

Good call on the P22. They have the best cleans I've ever heard and still sound great with distortion.
Hi Randy. Glad you decided to participate. I'm looking forward to seeing what you get. My niece got a P22 at EXP2013 and I look forward to visiting it..., I mean her, every chance I get. :laugh:
Welcome aboard, Randy! Eric Martin is good people - he'll do right by you, I'm sure. The only problem is, I'm not sure how you get him to STOP doing right by you!
thanks for the kind words. i have really just looked over the PRS guitars but now that i have seen the light (organ music with a choir singing I saw the light ) i won't rest till i have one in my grubby little hands. anyone want to buy a strat, tele, wife, couple dogs, two grown kids........??????

Welcome Randy. I've never been to Martin's, but I bet it's a good time. Here's to you getting your P22. :rock:
the p22's i played had the reg profile neck and i was wondering what other profiles they offer. i must have missed it on the web site.