New 15-min backing track video with chord changes and scale suggestions...


New Member
Nov 2, 2012
Hey guys..

First post here so hey! Being a PRS guy, I've been meaning to stop by for a while. Touring has kept me busy though.

Anyway, thought some of you may enjoy a new backing track video I recently posted. I improvise every day without fail and feel it's best thing you can do for yourself as a player. There's a lack of good backing tracks out there so I've started the "initiative for better backing tracks" to promote more improvisation. I hope you all find it fun and motivating. Enjoy it and share it!

I look forward to hanging here more!

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You ROCK Dave! :cool: Goes without saying, but starting with a free 15 minute backing track is cooler than normal. :BigThumbsUp: Welcome.
Dave, just a quick thank you for your lessons over on Jam Play. Your stuff alone really made it worth while for me. Oh and your PRS from there got me looking.... and I ended up buying a P22! :D
Great to see you here, thanks again!
Great - there goes the bar being raised again... :biggrin:
We're not worthy! We're not worthy! Sha-wing! I'm always searching for great backing tracks. Thanks Dave!
Dave, This is great. Many thanks.
Can't wait to see some more in the future!