Need gear gift idea for a hipster musician...


Knows the Drill
May 4, 2012
West Michigan
The other guitarist in my band and a good buddy of mine is getting married next month, and I'd like to give him a piece of gear he'll enjoy. Guess that means I'll also have to gift something his fiancee will enjoy, but I can handle that, they already have most of what they need for their apartment and so on. He's really into vintage/rare stuff - not 59 LP's and old Plexi's, more like the pawn shop treasures you've never heard of. So I'm looking for something in the sub-$100 range, maybe an old pedal or something. Hoping someone here will have memories of a cool older piece of gear, or something they've seen recently, any ideas appreciated. Thanks in advance!
And a hipster beanie. Maybe Hans can help you find one. ;)
They're standard issue for hipsters. Just tell the guy to declare his loyalty to the hipster movement via some largely accepted social media outlet (facebook or twitter will do) and the hipster fairy will promptly show up wearing super-tight pants (that are too short) while riding his fixy. Once his black frame glasses and impeccably styled bangs are confirmed, the hipster beanie will be issued (and deodorant confiscated). He will then be free to exercise his individuality - by looking, acting, speaking, and thinking like every other hipster.
]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;87366 said:
They're standard issue for hipsters. Just tell the guy to declare his loyalty to the hipster movement via some largely accepted social media outlet (facebook or twitter will do) and the hipster fairy will promptly show up wearing super-tight pants (that are too short) while riding his fixy. Once his black frame glasses and impeccably styled bangs are confirmed, the hipster beanie will be issued (and deodorant confiscated). He will then be free to exercise his individuality - by looking, acting, speaking, and thinking like every other hipster.

You good sir, win the internet today...... :p
]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;87366 said:
They're standard issue for hipsters. Just tell the guy to declare his loyalty to the hipster movement via some largely accepted social media outlet (facebook or twitter will do) and the hipster fairy will promptly show up wearing super-tight pants (that are too short) while riding his fixy. Once his black frame glasses and impeccably styled bangs are confirmed, the hipster beanie will be issued (and deodorant confiscated). He will then be free to exercise his individuality - by looking, acting, speaking, and thinking like every other hipster.

Haha, well done Hans. Well done. He does indeed have a fixy and tight pants! Got a good laugh out of me.

But seriously, anyone have any pawn shop gems to suggest?
You have a tough problem here. Anything that anyone knows about that becomes popular is no longer "deck". At that point it is "midtown" and not worth the "kale". You're better off going to the pawn store and buying the 1st thing you've never heard of. :wink:
You have a tough problem here. Anything that anyone knows about that becomes popular is no longer "deck". At that point it is "midtown" and not worth the "kale". You're better off going to the pawn store and buying the 1st thing you've never heard of. :wink:

Hahaha truth. He's not that bad, but that's hilarious. We're in Boston so I see plenty of those hipsters. He did buy a pretty bitchin 70's Guild bass recently. I'd never seen one like it before, surprise surprise!
I got it! Get him an old school curly guitar cable. Although I haven't seen one in years, I'm sure you could find one on ebay.

Naw, Vox now makes them (my 65 year old dad is rocking one with his Blue Crab Blue Studio). That means they are too well known.
Get him a slide for his guitar and a harmonica with a holder. I figure that's kinda hipsterish. Or maybe a Ukulele.
Ebow! An Ebow + Delay = hipsters dream.

Last edited by a moderator: has some unique's not gear, but they have a ton of music-related things from art to clothing to just plain "stuff".