Neck Profiles - 99’ Custom 22 Artist Package


New Member
Jun 26, 2024
I am looking to get my first American built PRS and the seller does not know which neck profile the guitar has. I have only played my SE models over the years and I understand the ones I own have Wide Fat neck profiles. Is this most likely on the custom 22’s from the nineties? I have seen others that have the WF profile listed online but just wanted to confirm since I can’t see it in person.

The link is below, any thoughts?
Can I submit the serial number somewhere to confirm specs?
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Thanks @garrett hopefully they will be willing to open that up and take a look. If I can get some additional pics maybe I can tell.

The only details I got from them were, “I would say the neck is a hybrid of a 50’s and 60’s Gibson neck. Right in the middle. Feels great.”

I’ve never played a Gibson before so I have no idea. Thanks again!


99 is pre pattern. My Standard 24 from that year is described simply as "regular". I have the catalogue from the 1999 in my house, I can look up after work what Custom 22 was offered with
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All I know is I love the necks on my SE’s so I am looking for that kind of feel. I may just have to take a risk and just get it to find out lol.