NAD: CAD HXDA "Purple Haze"


New Member
Jan 9, 2013
Martinsville, IN
Hey guys, I wanted to share with everyone my new HXDA and matching Cab that I am loving right now!! After watching plenty of demos of the HXDA in action, and reading all the great info from Les, I put my order in back in April with Brent over at TGS. Brent was great to work with and was very receptive to my idea for this amp build. I wanted to put together an amp that not only sounds like Hendrix (which it nails!!) but also looks like something you might have seen on stage with him. So during the build process, my progress emails from Brent were always titled "Purple Haze". And thus the amp, and its name were born.

There is not much more I can add to what you all have heard or read from Les about this amp and its tone. I am totally a believer in PRS and it's amps now!! WOW, this thing really has an amazing tone to it! This is a 100 Watt version with a Buffered send/return effects loop. The amazing thing about this amp is that even though it is 100 watts, the "master volume" work amazingly well. I can dial in a sound and turn the master down and still get amazing tone!!

I think the one downside to owning this amp now is that I am going to want to add more :p Anyway, here the pics.....




This thing is absolutely incredible. I am blown away. Great, great combo of materials. Well done!
Ah man that's awesome! Congrats on the new HXDA and matching cab!

Love the settings you have dialed in too... got that HX knob dimed! :rock: