My wife tries to guess the value of my guitars. Featuring my Private Stock Cu24 and DGT


Ministry of guitar
Apr 13, 2017
So folks, for once, we had a free Sunday afternoon so my wife and I quickly put together this fun video. It features 9 guitars including two of my favourite PRSi, my NAMM 2014 show model Private Stock Aqua violet Custom 24 Singlecut thickness, that I picked up in Japan, and my Charcoal Purpleburst DGT now modified to the DGT of Doom with Bare knuckle aftermaths, tuned to drop C.

Hope you enjoy watching. We had a lot of fun
My wife is the best - she can has listened to ALL of my guitar stories for 32 years. She can tell you in detail about PRS, has been to a Paul talk and OK's my crazy music desires.

We were at Dave's Music in WI one time and she was jokingly talking to a clerk as I was interested in a new Friedman BE pedal. She dazzled him with her knowledge of gear - I was SO proud.
My wife is the best - she can has listened to ALL of my guitar stories for 32 years. She can tell you in detail about PRS, has been to a Paul talk and OK's my crazy music desires.

We were at Dave's Music in WI one time and she was jokingly talking to a clerk as I was interested in a new Friedman BE pedal. She dazzled him with her knowledge of gear - I was SO proud.
That's just amazing. Hats off to your wife