My Next Contest?


Zombie Zero, DFZ
Aug 1, 1985
I learned a few important lessons in the last 2 giveaways and, hopefully, provided a little entertainment.

In my 1st contest, our very own Master of Pups (Chris Reynolds) won a rare and vintage PRS Singlecoil Bass pickup. That contest was based on the most number of posts in a given time-frame.

In my 2nd contest, Timmy Walls won a gold #8 bass by playing eruption in the shower with one of his PS guitars. This was a "people's choice" photo contest.

So what's next? I'm looking for ideas. I'll spend the next week looking for something cool to give away. Between now and then, how about some contest ideas?

Please Remember: This is not a PRS "Company" contest. These are my contests and I'm giving away my own property for our collective entertainment -- so I'm looking for reasonable suggestions that won't obligate PRS Guitars.

Thanks in advance.
I like the song idea.
Might even put my crappy playing up then in a YouTube vid :D
I can try out my new 2012 SE Custom 24 I got yesterday.

Pics coming later to a NGD thread when I get FTP going on the laptop.
Main PC is in the shop for a few days.
]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;22163 said:
Who would want THAT old thing, Norm? :laugh:

For arguments sake, let's say that was the prize. What would be the game?

With a prize like that I'd say a game of catch with one of our favs would be in order. God knows I won't enter :P