My guitar is whistling loudly


New Member
Sep 9, 2024
Hello, please help me. I have a PRS Silver Sky SE guitar. When I switch to the drive sound, it whistles very loudly, similar to a microphone feedback effect. I also tried adjusting the gain on my processor and added a noise gate, but it still whistles loudly when I’m near speakers and monitors. Please help, what can I do?
Just feedback reaction in terms of close to speakers and monitors (You mean wedges or comparable?).
Generally speaking ordinary singlecoils are more sensitive to external electrical sources.
Have you ever repeated the situation with a humbucker equipped guitar? If so, did you observe the same behaviour of the pickups?
Generally speaking ordinary singlecoils are more sensitive to external electrical sources.
Have you ever repeated the situation with a humbucker equipped guitar? If so, did you observe the same behaviour of the pickups? I’ve never had a guitar with a humbucker
How about inviting a colleague with a humbucker guitar.
I actually bought the Silver Sky because I don’t really like humbuckers, and I also love its clean tones, which is another reason I got it. However, there are parts where I need to play with drive, but unfortunately, my guitar is giving off a whistle (or feedback)
A drive enhances effects.
Personal experience: I bought once a second hand HSH guitar, a Japanese Ibanez RG. A typical power strat designed for overdrive and high gain.

it took a few weeks - and clean playing - to recognize, that the bridge humbucker's magnet was broken at the discant strings position.

As a first recommendation - without knowledge of your actual setting in your room - review it, try to separate electrical devices as much as possible from your playing position.

Do you recognize any whistle in position 2 und 4 (they should be, due to two active coils, hum canceled)?