More Things To Love About The HX/DA

I'm hoping to pick mine up this week... I'm drooling all over my desk thinking about it. My poor new baby, sitting in that cold, dark room at the dealer all by itself... so lonely and quiet. :)
I'm hoping to pick mine up this week... I'm drooling all over my desk thinking about it. My poor new baby, sitting in that cold, dark room at the dealer all by itself... so lonely and quiet. :)

You might have a very hard time turning it off and going to work for the first few days... ;)
You might have a very hard time turning it off and going to work for the first few days... ;)

I am looking forward to it... Plus, it looks like... after a little more digging around that the head I have in layaway looks like a Limited Edition Experience 2012 HXDA... it has the gold eagle on the front along with the beautiful maple panel. Wow...
I am looking forward to it... Plus, it looks like... after a little more digging around that the head I have in layaway looks like a Limited Edition Experience 2012 HXDA... it has the gold eagle on the front along with the beautiful maple panel. Wow...

Mine has the eagle and maple panel, too, and it's not the Experience model. I doubt there's much, if any, difference.
My 25th Annie #77/100 is heading back to Maryland for the HX/DA mod. Obviously not this week.

]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;27462 said:
My 25th Annie #77/100 is heading back to Maryland for the HX/DA mod. Obviously not this week.


Hans, you won't regret it!
]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;27462 said:
My 25th Annie #77/100 is heading back to Maryland for the HX/DA mod. Obviously not this week.


Very cool, Hans. Very cool. It's a library of vintage Marshall tones.
Do you guys know what the serial numbers on the amps mean? I assume they are like the guitars... start with year... but are the amps split up my make, or are they just by order of assembly? Just trying to get a little more info about the head I'm buying. Thanks guys!
So here's some more stuff about the HX/DA I'm learning as I go along...

For many years I've advocated True Bypass pedals, or at least switchers that can take pedals out of an effects chain. And one of the biggest tone-suckers to me has been the Boss TU-2 tuner. I gave my old one away.

Fast forward to about a month ago. I needed a new tuner for a pedalboard I just finished, and figured I'd try a new Boss TU3, simply because in a pinch it could power another pedal, and sometimes I use up all the outputs on my Pedal Power box. Figuring it'd be a tone sucker, I put it in a separate loop in my switch box to be able to take it completely out of the tone chain.

The other day, I left it in the chain just to see what it sounded like. As expected, it did what Boss tuners do - had an effect on the tone. But with the HXDA, I kinda actually *liked* it. It rolled off a little of the low end, rolled off a little of the high end, and yet it gave me another tone color that worked with the amp.

In fact, it gave me a nice coloration!

Proving once again that a) one just never knows, and b) everything I put in the pedal chain, no matter what it is, seems to just work with this amp!

I have never, ever had an amp that sounds so "right" with everything I run through it. Guitars, pedals, what-have-you. Everything sounds good. The amp's not picky, it's like a big, friendly dog - it just wants to make you happy.
And one of the biggest tone-suckers to me has been the Boss TU-2 tuner.

I use a Korg PitchBlack tuner. Very clean and very accurate as well (Although I still have a TU-2 in a box of crap somewhere). I can't wait to drop in my Keeley Tube Screamer in front of the new HXDA when my cab comes in. Guess it got slowed down with the storm... But, I can wait :)
I don't mean to derail the thought process here, but this seems to be a good group to ask...

Have any of you spent any time with a Super Dallas? In theory, with it's Cinemag tranny, design lineage, and EL34s, it should be fairly close to an HXDA. But how close? The comparison to the original Dallas wouldn't hold up, but with these mods, the overlap seems real.

Pedals afford me the flexibility needed in my current gig, and the Dallas seems to be made to accomodate my situation. The $20 question: could the Dallas be modded to have an HX and/or DA switchable option?
I don't mean to derail the thought process here, but this seems to be a good group to ask...

Have any of you spent any time with a Super Dallas? In theory, with it's Cinemag tranny, design lineage, and EL34s, it should be fairly close to an HXDA. But how close? The comparison to the original Dallas wouldn't hold up, but with these mods, the overlap seems real.

Pedals afford me the flexibility needed in my current gig, and the Dallas seems to be made to accomodate my situation. The $20 question: could the Dallas be modded to have an HX and/or DA switchable option?
That's a good $20 question. I don't think it would be the same, butI bet Doug could get you in the ballpark. My Dallas, the Super Duper "D", get's a very cool vintage Marshall meets Hiwatt with a little Blackface in the background now. Not the same as the 25th or the HXDA, but still vintage crunch. I'm picking up a 25th today & I will do a demo of it & the Dallas sometime very soon.
Good looking amp, Sekunda!

Thank you sir! I'm trying to wait patiently for the cab to come in... I did a new set up on my Stripped 58 last night back to standard tuning. I've been playing in e flat drop d for 2 years... it's strange being back in standard. I can't wait to plug it in and hear it on the HXDA. So far I've only played the CU22 on it. I'm also looking forward to picking up some cool stomp boxes that I have always wanted and try them out too...
I'm also looking forward to picking up some cool stomp boxes that I have always wanted and try them out too...

I figured with a classic amp, I'd go with some classic effects, and it's turning out to be a sweet combination. Here's what I'm currently running:

Fulltone Clyde Deluxe wah, set to the traditional "Jimi" setting >> Deja Vibe (Univibe clone) >> Fulltone '69 fuzz (germanium fuzz-face style) >> Road Rage True Bypass looper >> TC Nova delay, Boss TU3 (the looper lets me switch the delay out of the signal chain, same with the tuner, which is good because the TC generates some digital hiss that gets kind of objectionable when the gain on the amp is cranked).

I'm planning to add a Trower overdrive (a pedal I really like) in order to get the signal chain he uses as I love that tone.
:vroam:My cab was delivered to the music store yesterday.... hope to pick it up along with my head this Saturday... I think I might dehydrate from all the saliva and drool on my desk...
:vroam:My cab was delivered to the music store yesterday.... hope to pick it up along with my head this Saturday... I think I might dehydrate from all the saliva and drool on my desk...

I hope you get to pick it up and really enjoy it this weekend! I'm interested to hear your reaction to putting your new rig through its paces. :)
:vroam:My cab was delivered to the music store yesterday.... hope to pick it up along with my head this Saturday... I think I might dehydrate from all the saliva and drool on my desk...

I just took delivery on my Stealth 2x12, too. You're gonna like it. :cool: