More p24 stoptails in future?


Perpetual lurker
Apr 27, 2012
Edinburgh, Scotland
As per thread title, do you think there will ever be another run of stoptail p24's? I couldn't buy one at the time of the first run in 2012 as I was still a student and they're like hen's teeth in the 2nd hand market.

Why does it seem to be a strong avoidance towards stoptail custom 24 models in general? I never really understood it. I get that the trem 24 is the iconic model, but that shouldn't mean they can't make a stoptail version, right?
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I would have to guess that when he got those early orders, the stoptail wasn't a big percentage of the list. He had to make the layout changes necessary for a stoptail and so making both in the factory at the same time didn't make sense. When he did make them, he would batch them and so he built them when he saw enough demand to convert one of the CNC's (after he stopped using duplicators), to that program. I can see another run when he feels there is enough demand, but most of the capacity is still taken up with 594's and SS's.

Here's one of those hen's teeth:
I've a couple Mira's but never a custom shape in stoptail 24 format.

In the UK they're even more hen-ish it seems, and I have to also consider EU suppliers, but with the EU path, much like from US, import taxes are a killer. @RC Mike highlighted that guitar centre in the US have 1 right now, but I think the import taxes are about another 1300 USD on a 3000 USD guitar. It's one of those questions - if I'm going to *ahem* have to spend that much, then if there were new options off the rack too, then why get 2nd hand. Plus, if I could get one in fire red or (and before you say, I know it's currently a discontinued colour) emerald green, I'd be in heaven.

@AP515, beautiful guitar!!
Very nice, i'm curious if that colour was day 1 fresh, or faded in time, not much blue in there considering the name (but that's for another thread).
Well, you can always ask. It has been up for quite some time now. HT CU24s are not in high demand...
I don't use the trem arm on any of my trem guitars , a little palm waver ... I think there should always be a stoptail option .. McSoapies do just fine with them
There's what feels like (at least to me) a 50/50 split on the custom 22's for trem and stoptail, it always bothered me that I couldn't get stoptail 24's as easily.