Plank Owner
I usually capture some tone tests when I get new gear. The captures are usually done with a phone camera. I switch phones more than I change clothes some weeks, but I do know this was an iPhone. Given the date I believe it was an iPhone 5. I don't think I've ever posted this here, so for your pleasure or perhaps not. Hah!
This is shortly after receiving the first PS I had built at the end of 2013. It's a hog body and neck with a maple top and ebony board. It's covered in gloss nitro and has Elixir 11s tuned to Drop C. The pups are 57/08s. It's a PRS silent jack cable that's 18 or so feet. The amp is a Bogner Uberschall Twin Jet on Channel 1, yeah...channel 1. All knobs set at noon because that's how I roll. The volume was bedroom level. The cabinet is an Orange 4x12. I don't know what pick I was using. I assume a Jazz III, but I might have made the switch to Red Bear Style No. 9 in XH by this time. The wanking is all made up on the spot since I am just trying to get an idea of the tone. While I wouldn't move a knob from noon it's still nice to hear what stuff sounds like while not playing.
This is shortly after receiving the first PS I had built at the end of 2013. It's a hog body and neck with a maple top and ebony board. It's covered in gloss nitro and has Elixir 11s tuned to Drop C. The pups are 57/08s. It's a PRS silent jack cable that's 18 or so feet. The amp is a Bogner Uberschall Twin Jet on Channel 1, yeah...channel 1. All knobs set at noon because that's how I roll. The volume was bedroom level. The cabinet is an Orange 4x12. I don't know what pick I was using. I assume a Jazz III, but I might have made the switch to Red Bear Style No. 9 in XH by this time. The wanking is all made up on the spot since I am just trying to get an idea of the tone. While I wouldn't move a knob from noon it's still nice to hear what stuff sounds like while not playing.