The admiration of your peers.
I could also use a nice participation trophy...
The admiration of your peers.
That sounds great. Friedman are one of the few Marshall style amps that I can play through and like.So I'm getting both my Splawn quickrods retubed next Friday, so I'm kinda "quickrodless" at the moment. But I have my Friedman to play with at the moment, I've been playing it for the last week. I really like this amp alot, very vintage ACDC sounding in the c45 mode/ be100. But no doubt it can get very hairy in the fat mode/ hbe100. But I miss my quickrod already and can't wait to play it again with new tubes. My plexi is getting the Ruby bstr and the snake skin =c= or mby the eh El34s. Either way,it's gonna sound good!
Made a video for you guys with the Friedman, it definitely has its strengths as an amplifier. I'm using my 96 PRS cu24 w/59/09 pickups, first split in the neck then full on bride pickup.
By the way it's loaded with the =c=
Let me know what you guys think!
Like that a lot! Does your drummer always play the electric kit? He sounds good on it. Mix between the drum and guitar tones sounds great.
Recently cleaned up my basement studio, got everything not related to music OUT (greatly increasing the amount of space) and laid some rugs down, added another guitar hanger... oh, and the Custom 50 has been a nice bonus as well! LOVING the space to work on new music! Finally doesn't feel like a basement.
Above, my drummer and I working on a tune... not really a new one, we've been back and forth this one for a while, but I think it's finally ready for polishing. Guitar part is just a quick scratch track of my 57/08 loaded SE Akesson, into a Wamper Sovereign, to the Custom 50, mic'd with an SM57.
Ridiculous flag courtesy of a friend of mine... inside joke.
New guitars get me going sometimes 3 recording to assault your ears the "Mira again" clip has some of my best guitar playing in awhile I think, to bad its so in the background.
I am pretty happy with bunches of the stuff on these but as always there are clams
I really need to do some really recording
Let me know what you think
First 2 - Guitar - Core Mira , Amp PRS 2 Channel H Gain channel , Effects TC Electronics Nova for Delay and Reverb
Track 3 PRS CU22 p-90 same amp and effects
Recorded in Voice memo on my iPhone
Do you still own the PS Mahoney?Digging everyone's tunes! Since my PRS is a Tim Mahoney model thought I'd throw in a video of myself trying my hand at a few of his solos...
It's not guitar, but I'll share. Late last year I got into modular synthesizers. I had never touched one, or even knew what one was prior. I stumbled into it after considering a nice midi controller keyboard so I could learn some piano.
Here's an example track I would record after take a little bit of video.
And some guitar related clips. I had just got a Helix Rack and Variax equipped guitar. At least the shirt is proper!