New Member
I've got an option to do a sweet trade for a Mira X, I know the specs etc and I've read a couple of reviews but what do the people in the know think about them?
wait, wow, EC strat for a Mira X, that's a really crazy deal there :spitcoffee: but it's a good thing the Mira X found a new owner and the EC Strat may be passed on to another owner who'll love it more.
Bangin'! What color is it?
Not Blue! Sepia Burst, adding to it's slightly old school vibe I hope.
I've always loved the way strats feel, but like you, I tried the EC and honestly I liked the squier deluxes more than it, I just can't bond with the weird mid-boosted tone.
I tried out a Mira X a couple of days ago and was really underwhelmed. They had a regular Mira as well so I was able to try them side by side and the X really sounded dead in comparison. The strings seemed fine on both guitars, so I don't think it was that.