Mira X

what axe are you trading in for the Mira X? From what I know, Mira Xs are between the USA Mira and the SE, kinda like a cheaper Mira (might be the same level with the new S2).
This might sound mad but it's a Fender EC 'Blackie' Strat. I don't have a lot invested in it, I have another similarly spec.d Strat I much prefer and this one just doesn't do anything for me. It has sat in it's case un-played for ages. In the UK the two seem to be pretty much equal value and the deal works well for me.
The only thing I didn't like about the X series is the non-shaped edges. I played a couple and liked the tone.

On the plus side, it's pickguard looks so much better than the S2's. ;)
With your comments and encouragement how could I not get it!

It's slightly agonising as the deal is being done with a store in the UK so my one is en-route, should be there tomorrow and even if they get the Mira out the same day it probably won't be here 'til Monday. Whilst the scenery and elements of the lifestyle are pretty good here there just isn't a decent guitar store within a couple of hours drive so internet and couriers it is!

I'll put up some pics when it gets here.
wait, wow, EC strat for a Mira X, that's a really crazy deal there :spitcoffee: but it's a good thing the Mira X found a new owner and the EC Strat may be passed on to another owner who'll love it more.
wait, wow, EC strat for a Mira X, that's a really crazy deal there :spitcoffee: but it's a good thing the Mira X found a new owner and the EC Strat may be passed on to another owner who'll love it more.

It does sound unequal but I got the EC for a steal and trading it for the Mira X doesn't in any way leave me out of pocket. The Artist Signature EC is a bit of an aquired taste and still suffers from being a bit bland somehow, IMHO. It just never lived up to my expectations.

Bangin'! What color is it?

Not Blue! Sepia Burst, adding to it's slightly old school vibe I hope.
I've always loved the way strats feel, but like you, I tried the EC and honestly I liked the squier deluxes more than it, I just can't bond with the weird mid-boosted tone. Can't justify paying through the nose just for one. I could easily get a used USA PRS with that price! But anyway, congrats on the trade! When's the pics coming up? haha, yknow we can't wait :P not too many Mira Xs around so it'll be something fresh to look at.
I tried out a Mira X a couple of days ago and was really underwhelmed. They had a regular Mira as well so I was able to try them side by side and the X really sounded dead in comparison. The strings seemed fine on both guitars, so I don't think it was that.
I've always loved the way strats feel, but like you, I tried the EC and honestly I liked the squier deluxes more than it, I just can't bond with the weird mid-boosted tone.

The Strat was always my first love, just the look and feel of the thing. I have another 1990 one that has Plus Deluxe pickups and the mid boost kit and it is way better. I like the boost, it gives an extra option for driving my amp from the guitar, but it really needs to be used with the TBX to get the most from it.

I tried out a Mira X a couple of days ago and was really underwhelmed. They had a regular Mira as well so I was able to try them side by side and the X really sounded dead in comparison. The strings seemed fine on both guitars, so I don't think it was that.

Always the disadvantage of not trying before buying. I still have an open mind however as I'm not expecting it to sound like a 'hog body classic.