Mira single pickup.Thoughts ? Pickup and wiring

Carry the 0

New Member
Dec 31, 2021
I love my Mira SE. I was thinking to configure it just like a double cut LP jr. Single hum-sized p90 in the bridge. Using an Esquire type wiring. Any suggestions as to cap and pot values/types? Has anyone ever done this before? Thanks for your time and suggestions.
With a P-90, I'd just go for 500k vol and tone and a cap of your choosing. I personally like a smaller cap for that sort of thing. I think I have 0.01uF in my SE One, but anywhere up to 0.033uF (what PRS use these days) can work fine.
You'll be able to get your part values in the description.[/QUOTE]
Thanks, funny I was reading about the “Eldred
Mod on Premier Guitar and the author had a ton of different ideas for pots and caps.
That is pretty funny!! I always convert my Esquires to the Eldred mod. The 4th position almost gives the sound enough mids to give me some "PAF" type tones.
It seemed to work for PRS before
