Merry Christmas!


Plank Spanker
Apr 26, 2012
Down under, down under
Well one benefit of living is Aus is it's already Christmas here.

Have a merry Christmas everyone, stay safe, appreciate your loved ones and I hope you find many PRSes under your respective trees!
Merry Christmas, happy holidays and happy festivus to all!
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Well one benefit of living is Aus is it's already Christmas here.

Have a merry Christmas everyone, stay safe, appreciate your loved ones and I hope you find many PRSes under your respective trees!

Another benefit of living in Australia is that it is warm this time of year! Not so warm in Maryland right now.
A joyous holiday season to all.

May the feats of strength begin!
Too all my Guitarded Friends.. MERRY CHRISTMAS may all your hopes and dreams come true..

I am wishing for some Talent... I have a the toys, now I just need to make them sound good.. :)

Be Safe and Be Welll...
Merry Christmas one and all, and wishing you the best for the New Year!

Just seven hours and 22 minutes and my Purple Beauty gets to see the light of day!!! Is midnight too late to be having a little jam? :)

Old DGT & Kate's new bike.
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