Man, what a rip off


Aug 23, 1985
Stevensville, MD
Those fake plastic owls DO NOT work. This rabbit won't stop eyeballing my garden and the plastic owl doesn't seem to intimidate him in the least.

I love rabbits. I would grow a garden him/her.

Maybe you need to paint that carved owl you have. That thing is life like.
If you dont have any rodent pets, there is a contraption sold at home depot that emits a high frequency that I cannot hear that took care of my rabbit isssue. The one I found that was silent to me is the "Pestacator 2000 plus".
Get a cat. Works wonders for all the rabbits, chipmunks, birds, and mice we used to have. You just have to figure out how to dispose of the bodies.
Recipes & Menus | recipes

Bon Appétit Test Kitchen director Mary-Frances Heck was taught this classic German rabbit preparation by her uncle John Heck; she adapted the following recipe from the one he learned from his grandmother. Marinating the rabbit in vinegar and wine for a couple of days yields meltingly tender meat.
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4–6 servings
Recipe by Mary-Frances Heck
Photograph by Ashley Rodriguez
April 2012

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You have to put out more than a fake owl to frighten El-ahrairah, the prince with a thousand enemies. Only the black rabbit of Inle' ever came close to stopping him.
We had squirrels living in our attic some years ago. We got one of those electronic chattering devices that's supposed to get rid of squirrels--it didn't do that, but it almost got rid of us! What a racket! I kept picturing the squirrels dancing in a circle around it and praying..."Grant us thy holy wisdom, O mighty one...!"
We got a cat and never heard from the squirrels again--but there are still some tiny holes in the kitchen ceiling where they were trying to gnaw their way through. And we actually had mice chew out the plastic bottom of the dishwasher!
The owl was a freeby and as they say "You get what you pay for". Maybe I should get Floyd Shultz to carve a more realistic owl? If it doesn't scare away the rodents, it would at least attract the attention of the neighbors.

I have two cats who are well-oiled killing machines. They decimate the wildlife in the neighborhood, so they are now confined to the house.
It's just a little bunny...who's obviously taunting the owl with, "you lookin' at me??!!:box: