Loose screw

Albrecht Smuten

Nine of Hearts
Jul 17, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
My strap button screw keeps falling out. I replaced the original screw with a little wider one and after a couple weeks it fell out too (worst of all, I can't find it, along with the strap button...).

I could replace it with EVEN wider screw, but I'm afraid that it might eventually get loose too (not to mention that it might not fit in the strap button) and THEN I'd be totally screwed.

My plan is using a longer screw (not necessarily wider) and put a couple drops of superglue in the hole, so it won't move ever again (I'll buy strap locks for this occasion).

Anyone to discourage me from this action?
Shove a toothpick in the hole with a drop of white glue, when it dries you can screw your button back on. Did this with an old Kramer once.

Whole toothpick? Round one like this:


Or flat one like these? :


(sorry for asking stupid questions, I'm anything but a handyman :) )
Either of the toothpicks should work, just pack the hote with them and glue and you should be good to go.

The 'proper' fix is to drill the hole a little wider, fit a wood dowel and re-drill the screw hole.
Either of the toothpicks should work, just pack the hote with them and glue and you should be good to go.

The 'proper' fix is to drill the hole a little wider, fit a wood dowel and re-drill the screw hole.

That was my concern - whether I should leave some space in there or not.

Thanks a lot, guys, very helpful! :beer:
This happens all the time, I found the Loxx strap locks to be a great tight fit. Can use the same screw size, but the inner core diameter is thicker, so it's tighter. And the nature of the mechanism means its free-spinning on the pin, so it doesn't seem to twist out..

This sounds so dirty...