Looks like I am out of work or the time being

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Seems like I missed a little!

I saw @danktat’s original post and came here to offer virtual support to those of y’all who can’t work right now. This whole situation sucks and I can’t imagine what it must be like to add that kind of uncertainty on top.

I have the opposite problem (which I know isn’t nearly as bad). My job can be done fully remote and I’m having to balance that with all the extra childcare and being an e-learning proctor for two my two willful sons.
I’m pretty sure they want everyone to feel the pinch. If you ignore the rhetoric and just look at things without reacting you can see this is the tip of the spear on a much larger operation. It’s global in scope, and shows obvious signs of being driven by the intelligence community. It takes an ENORMOUS amount of effort, coordination, and resources to pull something like this off.

They’ve obviously thought everything out so that everybody is affected whether you believe it’s true or BS. About 80% of people I’ve spoken with believe it’s total BS but are just playing along because they’re basically saying if you don’t play along you’ll be arrested and detained. I’ve talked with everyone I know and none of them are affected and nobody they know is affected.

If there truly was a real epidemic people would be dropping like flies and the ridiculous restrictions wouldn’t make a difference. It would be real mayhem and not these controlled restrictions that are designed to do nothing more than inconvenience “business as usual” for as many people as possible.

This is something MUCH bigger than we currently realize and it’s not about money or politics, it’s about us. We know the current system isn’t sustainable but we’re stuck in a bit of a rut about how to go about fixing it. We can’t just remove it without something else in place, but it’s also in the way of putting something else in place. It’s a delicate situation.

When I say big, I don’t just mean new legislation or people in positions of power, but an entirely new way of thinking and doing things. Basically a move towards a much more fluid system that’s built around harmonics and synergy. It’s an infinitely better system, the problem is we’d resist all those changes.

This is because of entropy, it’s what breaks everything, causes aging and illness, and what we call death. What it means is that every change is a change for the worse over the course of our time here and even if we’re not consciously aware of it, subconsciously we are and it’s why we’re so resistant to change. It’s all programming and our new program is going to have a fight with the old one because of this.

This is where warp technology comes in. It’s essentially a magic trick, while our attention is focused on one thing, a dozen other things in the scene are changing without us ever noticing. Pretty much all of the events in the news and media are the magician’s waving hand to get our attention so we don’t see what the other hand is doing. We’re being tricked, but in this case it’s for a very good cause... Life.

Humanity has endured the long night of the soul. Seasonally this is our winter where all life is in a dormant state because environmental conditions can’t support life. What I and my colleagues believe is that the Human Spring is upon us. These changes are coming, and just like spring comes every year, life ALWAYS overcomes death. What we fail to realize is that this isn’t life... because of our old programming which was designed to get us thru winter.

In short humanity is about to rise up out of our grave and when we do the universe will become a human playground full of the life that is now present in the earth only in seed form. Gravity will change to levity (love) and the human heart will once again lead us instead of our brain. In death we follow our brain, in life we follow our heart. It’s our human inheritance, we built in in our dreams and it’s waiting for us, all we have to do is get there.

In a way you could say it’s a change in management. From here on out our brain will be ruled by our heart and not the other way around :)
It was interesting and I agree with some of what you said. What if it is the endtimes, you know Number of the beast 666 time?
What if it is the endtimes, you know Number of the beast 666 time?

Welp... I'm screwed.

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