Looking for any info/tips with my PRS guitars


New Member
Nov 18, 2024
Finally about to restring some of my older PRS's which I have picked up in the last year or so (I have a used guitar "problem"). I assume I won't have any issues putting 10's on both? I've read some things about neck pocket issues on the EG3's but at this point the guitar is 30+ years old and I'd like to think they would have appeared by now. Also if anyone knows anything about either of these guitars just by appearance, I'm all ears. I know I have an EG3 with the triple Fralin pickups and then a 2002 CE24 but other than that no real clue. I see a lot of terms thrown out there for the various tops and stuff like that. The binding on the CE24 is particularly gorgeous- the guy told me it had only ever left the house two times and I believe him. It has one little rough indentation in the neck where it clearly rested against some sort of stand for 20 years but otherwise doesn't have a single mark on it. I also have a 2019 Silver Sky but that one is going to get sold and I know everything about it since it's so new.

2002 CE24

1992? EG3
Finally about to restring some of my older PRS's which I have picked up in the last year or so (I have a used guitar "problem"). I assume I won't have any issues putting 10's on both? I've read some things about neck pocket issues on the EG3's but at this point the guitar is 30+ years old and I'd like to think they would have appeared by now. Also if anyone knows anything about either of these guitars just by appearance, I'm all ears. I know I have an EG3 with the triple Fralin pickups and then a 2002 CE24 but other than that no real clue. I see a lot of terms thrown out there for the various tops and stuff like that. The binding on the CE24 is particularly gorgeous- the guy told me it had only ever left the house two times and I believe him. It has one little rough indentation in the neck where it clearly rested against some sort of stand for 20 years but otherwise doesn't have a single mark on it. I also have a 2019 Silver Sky but that one is going to get sold and I know everything about it since it's so new.

2002 CE24

1992? EG3

That EG3 looks like it’s in great shape. Congratulations.
The EGIII is one of the hidden surprises of the PRS lineup. They lost money making the EG’s, so they were discontinued. The dominos were designed to be noiseless P-90’s by Linda Fralin. When you pull up the tone knob, a message is sent to outer space that purportedly reaches the Brides of Dr. Funkenstein and sends cosmic energy back to earth. Aside from that, you get a very thick lead tone that I love. They’re one of the absolute keepers of the PRS lineup. Nothing anywhere made by anyone sounds like them. I think I like mine. And mine even has a mother of toilet seat pick guard!
The EGIII is one of the hidden surprises of the PRS lineup. They lost money making the EG’s, so they were discontinued. The dominos were designed to be noiseless P-90’s by Linda Fralin. When you pull up the tone knob, a message is sent to outer space that purportedly reaches the Brides of Dr. Funkenstein and sends cosmic energy back to earth. Aside from that, you get a very thick lead tone that I love. They’re one of the absolute keepers of the PRS lineup. Nothing anywhere made by anyone sounds like them. I think I like mine. And mine even has a mother of toilet seat pick guard!

That pick guard is made out of old nuts from other makes of guitar 🤭
That EG3 looks like it’s in great shape. Congratulations.
I was super stoked to pick this one up, it has a few tiny finish dings on the back but no real blemishes at all for being 30+ years old. I think there are a few more old PRS models like the EG3's floating around when you live in Maryland. There's a great cover band here that's been playing on the eastern shore for a few decades and their lead guitarist is always playing EG3's with a killer tone. I chatted with him about them once and he was saying he owns like 9 of them and was basically like, if you ever see the ones with the triple Fralin pickups, get it. So I did.
The most important tip regarding PRS guitars...Always buy, never sell!

Welcome aboard gbatt
I'd love to buy more... but I have to sell the Silver Sky to pay for some live sound for my acoustic gigs. I buy/sell a decent number of used guitars and wildly enough this will be the first one I'll ever take a loss on, and I still think I got a decent deal at the time.
I was super stoked to pick this one up, it has a few tiny finish dings on the back but no real blemishes at all for being 30+ years old. I think there are a few more old PRS models like the EG3's floating around when you live in Maryland. There's a great cover band here that's been playing on the eastern shore for a few decades and their lead guitarist is always playing EG3's with a killer tone. I chatted with him about them once and he was saying he owns like 9 of them and was basically like, if you ever see the ones with the triple Fralin pickups, get it. So I did.
I live in the DMV. Mine actually came from Japan because I had to have a blue one.