Finally about to restring some of my older PRS's which I have picked up in the last year or so (I have a used guitar "problem"). I assume I won't have any issues putting 10's on both? I've read some things about neck pocket issues on the EG3's but at this point the guitar is 30+ years old and I'd like to think they would have appeared by now. Also if anyone knows anything about either of these guitars just by appearance, I'm all ears. I know I have an EG3 with the triple Fralin pickups and then a 2002 CE24 but other than that no real clue. I see a lot of terms thrown out there for the various tops and stuff like that. The binding on the CE24 is particularly gorgeous- the guy told me it had only ever left the house two times and I believe him. It has one little rough indentation in the neck where it clearly rested against some sort of stand for 20 years but otherwise doesn't have a single mark on it. I also have a 2019 Silver Sky but that one is going to get sold and I know everything about it since it's so new.
2002 CE24
1992? EG3
2002 CE24
1992? EG3