Let's talk about Beer, man!

currently having one of my favs

From the Land Of Sky Blue Waters....


Not being snarky fellas..... I just really like a nice cold American Lager...
Not much of a beer drinker, but I had a Newcastle last night that really helped cool the 100 degree Las Vegas heat.
Mmmm beer....

I have been brewing, both home and pro, since '89. Love it, love the process... Right now I have an Irish-style dry stout and a doppelbock (brewed in the lighter colored Maibock style) in my keg fridge. Here are some pics of other recent brews:



Falconer's Flight Red Ale (Falconer's Flight is a hop blend named for the late Glen Falconer, a brewer from the northwest. Glen was a buddy of mine and I really miss him. This beer was a tribute to him)


Helles-ish ... sort of toes the line between a Helles and a German Pils, but made with ale yeast


Here is me, white shirt, on the opening day of my first brewmaster's position... fall '96

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OH, in answer to Shawn's original question;

I LOVE Sweetwater 420. I think it may be the best beer in America right now... it is refreshingly citrusy from (presumably) the Cascade hops, perfectly balanced between malt and hops with just enough bitterness to finish dry and make you want to keep drinking... the body is light enough to make a great lawnmower/poolside beer while still having FLAVOR... alcohol content is in the sessionable range... just an all around great beer. Highly recommended

BTW, Shawn, didn't know you homebrewed... Nice! Are you on HBT? My screen name there is wailingguitar
Very nicely done! So which brewery do you work for?

I've done some homebrewing using kits, but I certainly couldn't consider myself a "brewer". That would be like calling myself a "Chef" after making a box of Mac and Chee. :)

This fall I may take a stab at making some Amber Ale.
Very nicely done! So which brewery do you work for?

I've done some homebrewing using kits, but I certainly couldn't consider myself a "brewer". That would be like calling myself a "Chef" after making a box of Mac and Chee. :)

This fall I may take a stab at making some Amber Ale.

Thanks :) Not actually employed as a brewer at the moment -although there is an iron in the fire, we're looking for a location for a pub and if a suitable spot is found we will be doing a brewpub with some keg distribution. Currently I do some freelance industry consulting; system evaluations, assisting with recipe formulation, etc. I have brewed for Bell's (known as Kalamazoo brewing at the time), Rogue Ales, Breckenridge (the pic was from a pub they had in Birmingham, Al, City Breweries (Magic City/Port City/Lexington City), Little Star/Mad Monk and a couple others over the years.

If you haven't ever checked it out, look at HBT/Homebrew Talk.... good online community for homebrewing from the very basic (which end of the malt extract can do I open?) to the seriously advanced (How does the geometry of the fermentation vessel effect flavor profile and conditioning time?). It's a pretty fun community... as always there is the 'grain of salt' thing when 5 people give you 7 answers, but you know how that is!
Congratulations, you keep good company with some of the heavy hitters in the micro brew world!

I've never been on HBT, but I'll check it out. I could certainly use some pointers.

If you're looking for a location for your new brew-pub, Stevensville Maryland should definitely be considered! :cool: