Left Handers?

I'm primarily left handed.... however, my first guitar as a kid was a Japanese LP copy. I tried playing it flipped for several months... but with no cutaway and four knobs under my picking arm, and noplace to attach a strap, it was pretty rough.

If I had started playing guitar on a double cutaway, I'd probably be a lefty today... but instead I buy off the righty rack. :p
Lefty here, but play rightie. Sorry man, I just couldn't do the Jimi thing. ;)
A full-on lefty here. Not a PRS player yet, but got in on the new batch of custom 24s :)
So much lefty that I had to learn to cut my own string nuts and setup because it started to get expensive (not to mention the wait from the guitar tech) to convert the always plentiful righties. Thankfully PRS have ample cutaways :)
Never understood the argument of left handed players and the need for a reversed instrument. Don't get me wrong, it's cool and all but...

Seems to me being a lefty could benefit you while learning to play guitar initially. The left hand and its dexterity are very important obviously so it seems leftys should have the upper hand from this more so than it being a detriment.

Not to mention you really limit your options as to what's available if you strictly play left handed instruments.

Eh, maybe it's just me...
Left handed.
1. Play guitar right handed
2. Golf, right handed
3. Baseball left handed swing the bat and catching
Seems to me being a lefty could benefit you while learning to play guitar initially. The left hand and its dexterity are very important obviously so it seems leftys should have the upper hand from this more so than it being a detriment.

It's like swinging a bat for me. As a lefty, holding the guitar lefty just feels correct.

Got my custom 24--it's pretty awesome! Will have to do a NGD post soon.
full on lefty here :D im lucky enough to have 2 custom 22s, one trem and one stoptail. Really wish PRS would do a run of lefty SE singlecuts or something, no other singlecuts compare!!
How many Left Handers playing Left Handed are there here?

Kind of an old thread, but I will reply.

Right handed for everything but playing guitar, shooting rifles and pistols. Left footed, though I am relatively ambidextrous. Playing guitar right handed felt really awkward so I went with my gut feeling. So glad I did, there was no training dexterity at all, both picking and fretting. Could care less how many guitar options you have playing right handed. Keeps my focused on playing what I have. That said, A LOT MORE companies are giving lefties options these days. Not sure whether I would float or sink, burn me anyway just to be sure. :rock:

PRS Custom 24
Fender Jaguar
Fender Telecaster
Fender Strat Deluxe
Warmoth chambered Strat with pro neck
Alhambra 4P Z
Never understood the argument of left handed players and the need for a reversed instrument. Don't get me wrong, it's cool and all but...

Seems to me being a lefty could benefit you while learning to play guitar initially. The left hand and its dexterity are very important obviously so it seems leftys should have the upper hand from this more so than it being a detriment.

Not to mention you really limit your options as to what's available if you strictly play left handed instruments.

Eh, maybe it's just me...
I agree with this. I am lefty for everything except guitar. I don't really know why I play right handed just do. but definately an advantage for me I feel.
I'm a lefty as well, but my first guitar was a standard guitar so that's what I learned on. If the. First one was a lefty I would probably be playing a lefty now.
Lefty playing righty, but there's a good reason for that. (aside from the obvious one about having to deal with left-handed guitars.) I had polio as an infant (3 months old) and among other things, it left me with a weak right upper arm. I can't raise it any higher than about waist-high, and I can't extend it out more than about six inches from my right side. I tried to play piano when I was seven, and as you might imagine, I had a real problem with that right arm, and it didn't occur to either me or the teacher that it might be a physical problem--I thought that it would improve if I just practiced hard enough, and a couple of months later I gave up on the piano. When I started playing the guitar at twelve years old, my inclination was to hold it left-handed, and the teacher refused to teach me that way. Biggest favor she could have done for me, as if I'd tried to play guitar left-handed, I'd have run into the same problem I had with the piano. As it was, it felt just as awkward initially either way, but I was actually able to play right-handed, as I don't use my upper arm to pick with--it's mostly wrist. When I realized that I was actually going to be able to play the guitar, I was just over the moon! If I'd continued trying to play left-handed, I'd have given up, and I wouldn't be a guitar player today. So I was supposed to be a right-handed guitar player, even though I'm left-handed at everything else.
On a related note, I recently saw a photo of Jimi Hendrix writing out some song lyrics, and he was using his right hand. I always thought he was left-handed...