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Tip from my old AF jet engine mechanic days - take off your watch & any rings when working around equipment, especially if you're up on a ladder, stand, or scaffolding. We were shown pictures in tech school of guys with the meat torn off their fingers when not obeying that rule.

Yup had a motorcycle tech that worked for me lose his ring finger. He said he couldn't take his off because his wife said so...the chain and rear sprocket disagreed. Worst part was, she was screwing around on the poor fella. Now his finger and his wife are gone. :eek: isn't life ironic?
Dogs can't wait for you to finish their house!

Wife can’t wait for me to put me in the dog house!

Not this year, but maybe in a year or two…


Looking good, brother!

Thanks bro.

That's looking great, Alnus!!

Thanks Les. Praise indeed from you.

Mighty fine work there my brother!! Can't wait to see the finished product, it's gonna be AWESOME!

Thanks Scott, I would so love to jam with you in here!

Yup had a motorcycle tech that worked for me lose his ring finger. He said he couldn't take his off because his wife said so...the chain and rear sprocket disagreed. Worst part was, she was screwing around on the poor fella. Now his finger and his wife are gone. :eek: isn't life ironic?

Ouch & B!@tch!!

Happy for your progress, jealous nonetheless! Looking forward to seeing the next phase!! Thanks for sharing!!!

Thanks MWD.

Looking fantastic! Have you been saving up the egg boxes for the walls? :D

What makes you think my neighbours won’t want to hear me practice my Tibetan Nose Flute??!!;)
AR, we out here in Forum Land are as excited to see it finished off as you are. Seriously, we've been watching this project progress, and the "unveiling" time is almost here. I'm itching to see your music gear inside the finished room.
AR, we out here in Forum Land are as excited to see it finished off as you are. Seriously, we've been watching this project progress, and the "unveiling" time is almost here. I'm itching to see your music gear inside the finished room.

Thanks. I’m looking forward to sharing some nice finished shots with you folk and maybe some pics of the band rehearsal.

Looking great! How long before move in day?

Can’t happen soon enough for me!

I would like to live there. Let me know when you're ready to sell. ;)

Haha, you give me too much credit!:D
Another couple of steps closer.

Plasterboard (Sheetrock/drywall) put up at the weekend -

Last night facias/flashings added, so that’s the roof done -

And an atmospheric night time shot -

Just noticed the pups at the door, they look very excited about their new crib. Especially the black and white one...he/she is all smiles!!
What are your interior design ideas for the walls/decor?

Not really sure at the moment. I’m open to any ideas.

There is still coving to be put up on the ceiling and facings to go around the window and door.

I’d like to keep the walls and ceiling a light colour. I have some really nice pictures that my Dad has painted, so they will most likely hang in the room.

I had the idea of putting down a darker laminate (maybe a walnut colour) on the floor, for ease of cleaning and moving things within the room. And a large rug to dampen the sound.