Latest McCarty LT pickups


New Member
Jun 17, 2024
I have a 2020 McCarty (non-594) with 58/15 LT pickups that is great; I wouldn’t change a single thing. However, purely out of interest, what is the difference between those pickups and the latest McCarty LT pickups?
Based on this info at this web site, your pickups are TCI which are the latest pickups.
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Thanks for the feedback, but I don’t think that webpage is up-to-date. The official PRS website says the McCarty core model now has McCarty LT pickups, whereas the McCarty 594 has 58/15 LT pickups. My pickups are engraved with 58/15 LT, which matches what PRS stated in their 2020 catalogue.
I know you're curious, but you have the 58/15 LT TCI pick ups, I wouldn't worry about minor change they made in 2024. Your has very good sounding pickups.

They now have DMO pick ups in theur latest anniversary core 24 guitar, which I am curious about, but at this point I have no interest in changing my pickups in my Custom 24.
I know you're curious, but you have the 58/15 LT TCI pick ups, I wouldn't worry about minor change they made in 2024. Your has very good sounding pickups.

He is wondering about the McCarty LT pickups that have been shipping recently. There’s not much information out about them. That’s what he’s hoping to learn.

Just another thread that makes Shawn’s unfilled shoes be more apparent.
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I know you're curious, but you have the 58/15 LT TCI pick ups, I wouldn't worry about minor change they made in 2024. Your has very good sounding pickups.

They now have DMO pick ups in theur latest anniversary core 24 guitar, which I am curious about, but at this point I have no interest in changing my pickups in my Custom 24.

The McCLT are new pickups not minor changes to the 5815. They've been quietly floating around for a while this year but very little real world input so far.