Laney IRT Pulse


New Member
Aug 19, 2017
Anyone has any experience of the IRT Pulse from Laney?

Since I can only pair the guitar to a speaker at the weekend - whenever family life allows - and I am, and will be for the foreseeable future, spending more time with a guitar on headphones after a day at work and the boys in bed, I was wondering if the IRT Pulse could not be my 'be all, end all' sound factory.
The Vox Amplug AC30 is fun but fairly limited in terms of tonal options. And it would also replace my LC-15R and Little Tweaker for financial reasons.
By night it would be plugged to the headphones and I am wondering if at the weekend it could be plugged in a cabinet? I watched the review from the Guitarist magazine on Youtube and the cab emulation didn't seem to sound great... Also worried that the nice tone in the review comes from the amp used in the first part more than the IRT itself.

I don't know... what do you think? Does it sound like a potential good idea? I wouldn't buy with trying it but I thought I would draw from the knowledge pool here first.
