Korina McCarty?


New Member
Jun 20, 2012
Rosenberg, TX
I don't respond a whole lot on here, but I do love popping in daily and checking everything out. It's refreshing to read posts where people aren't bad-mouthing each other and especially other companies. But I'm here because I decided that my quest for the P-90 equipped Les Paul that I wanted wasn't going to end up the way I wanted. So I turned my attentions toward a McSoapy - more specifically korina McSoapys. I found this one (used) that may be at a price too good to pass up (even if it is a vintage cherry finish). I can't tell if it's a korina. The thing that's throwing me off is the bird inlays. I have looked at a lot of pictures of McSoapys and only see the birds on the korinas. It doesn't look like the Standards had bird inlays. Would this be correct - the presence of the birds would indicate that this is a korina or were there any Standards that had bird inlays?


Those Look Right. They did Paua inlays on a lot of these. Here is a couple photos of a Similar one. Same Bird Inlays. The Finish in your picture looks a tad bit strange (Orange Peelish) but thats probably just due to the poor resolution of the photo.


I called the GC where this one was located, and finally got someone to confirm that it's a mahogany. I agree, Tyler, that the finish looks strange. Oh well, looking forward to my NEW korina McCarty - whichever color it may be. :biggrin:
Either way, McSoapies are tone monsters...simple screaming monsters,

I'm pretty excited. Ordered one from Dave's this morning right after I posted this and saw their thread. Going with the gold metallic McSoapy. It should be in stock and shipping at the end of the month. I've gotten the chance to play some korina Carvin CTs this weekend and really fell in love with the way they sound. Add that to my GASing for a P-90 guitar and this was a match made in heaven.
you can send the serial number to PRS and the will send all the specs back. the mccarty korina's all had birds from what I have seen. hardware is chrome or gold. Some have brazilian rosewood. It's awesome. I would love to have one with P90's too. I call mine the gibson killer. The wide fat neck is the least fat neck ever. I have small hands but its still super comfy. If you know the code on the side of the case or tag, you can figure out all the specs.
I used to own an all-gold McSoapy. Frickin' AWESOME guitar. One of them I REALLY miss. Enjoy.

I'm pretty excited. Ordered one from Dave's this morning right after I posted this and saw their thread. Going with the gold metallic McSoapy. It should be in stock and shipping at the end of the month. I've gotten the chance to play some korina Carvin CTs this weekend and really fell in love with the way they sound. Add that to my GASing for a P-90 guitar and this was a match made in heaven.
Korina McSoapies are tone mosters! I play mine thru a Fender 65 DRRI. It's one of the limited run with BRW board and old birds...


Thanks guys. Sorry I haven't been able to reply until now. Had a nasty fight with a stomach virus. Brad, I really like the gold. I found some pics of one online and could never warm up to the painted neck. That's just one of those things that I've never really liked. Too bad the McSoapy I ordered wasn't a goldtop. But oh well, I called Tyler at Dave's and changed out for one just like Jamie's except mine will have the bell knobs. It should be here on Thursday unless something weird happens. Can't wait to get it too. This will be my first new PRS. I've had a couple of used 305s and a used CE-22, but this is my first time with a new one.