Kestrel SE


New Member
Jan 15, 2023
Hi all. I play a Kestrel SE bass at my church and the worship leader has told me he has to turn me up on the board. The other bass player I rotate weekends with plays a Fender Blacktop bass but it doesn’t have active pickups. I’m trying to get help on what I could possibly do to maybe give my Kestrel a “boost”. I am no way a luthier, I can change strings but not much more. Would raising the height of the pickups help? Thanks for any info!
If you're going direct to the board, you could try a DI that has the ability to boost. There's one from ART that can do that (I have that one at home - don't really use it for bass very often, but it'll do that). It's been on sale for about $50 lately.
Hi all. I play a Kestrel SE bass at my church and the worship leader has told me he has to turn me up on the board. The other bass player I rotate weekends with plays a Fender Blacktop bass but it doesn’t have active pickups. I’m trying to get help on what I could possibly do to maybe give my Kestrel a “boost”. I am no way a luthier, I can change strings but not much more. Would raising the height of the pickups help? Thanks for any info!
Anytime the Sound guy says he has to turn you up in the mix, is a good thing. Most times we want to turn you down or off completely. A preamp pedal or Boost pedal may be enough to bring you tighter into the mix. The other option is to have the sound person leave the slider alone but turn up the channel gain until they have a level they like. then the slider can be used to refine the mix.
Does he have you maxed on the board or just want to leave all the settings? Hard to believe he’s got no room to turn you up. Either way I’d probably get that MXR, they do a great job and will sound better than just going straight in.
I’m going to first adjust the neck pickup since it is lower than the bridge pup. Next step would be to check with sound man about the channel gain. I am interested in the MXR pedal about and will be looking into one.
I’d strongly suggest you answer a few questions for us, before monkeying with the guitar. Raising pickups doesn’t just magically give you more output with no other effects. I am an experienced sound man. The very simple fix for this is to turn the gain up on the board. I have guys who share a guitar channel and all 3 of them will use it at versions times, all with their own guitars, and all three have different output levels. It’s very simple for me to adjust the gain depending on who is playing, to get the same level there, than it’s good everywhere else (you don’t have to adjust monitors, mains levels etc., if you match them at the input stage.

Also, if you are play direct (yes, despite years of telling him to get a modeler, I deal with one of these every week) you need to get a bass modeler. Then your bass will sound much better, and you simply turn it up a bit compared to the other bass.
Yeah . . . I wouldn't modify the bass at all unless there is clearly something wrong with it. I'll tell you the Fender dude isn't thinking about modifying his . . .