Just bought a GoPro.... On my way to the pool.


New Member
Apr 26, 2012
Everybody is well aware of my complete lack of photography skills, so I thought it was time for a new camera.

Anybody else rockin' one of these?
oh yeeeeaaaaahhhhh I've got one of those. :evil: Gigs are great with the headband accessory and the drunk chicks seem to think it's a live Girls Gone Wild feed or something. :girl: HIGHLY recommend wearing it to a gig. And you'd better invest in a huge SD card.
I think I'm going to get one of the waterproof hard cases for the Flip HD video cam the in-laws got us. It would have been good for the last snorkeling trip, esp since the "waterproof" point and shoot failed the first time it was submerged.

Post some vids!
On the highest camera setting you get a cool fisheye effect.



Ahhhh, food!


The movies you take with these on full wide 1080 come out very clear.
It looks something like this....
Old guys racing Motorcycles :laugh: Old school FLAG start! ;)

Hopefully you'll find something nicer to video at the pool! :biggrin:
I don't own one but my older brother does. He does lots of mountain biking with it recording. I am generally impressed with the footage and it's quality. Simple and works well. Can't beat that.
And you'd better invest in a huge SD card.

I bought a 32mb card and I can already see I'll need a bigger one. No pool shots today, I spent most of it trying to figure out how to hook it up to my iPhone but I'm really impressed with the quality of the shots I'm getting from this little guy. Now all I need is an RC helicopter to strap it to.
I bought a 32mb card and I can already see I'll need a bigger one. No pool shots today, I spent most of it trying to figure out how to hook it up to my iPhone but I'm really impressed with the quality of the shots I'm getting from this little guy. Now all I need is an RC helicopter to strap it to.

RC copter fund started.