Deleted member 5962
While I've always wondered "why" I don't find it that curious overall. I've not played nearly the amount of amps that some of you have but have seen almost unbelievable variances in volume output from amps rated the same or similar powers. The first place I always look is the volume pot. Many amps that people SAY aren't as loud may actually be as loud but might have a better smoother volume pot taper. Some amps are full volume at 4 and only compress more and more after that were a comparably rated amp might get louder and louder all the way up to 8 or even 10.
That said, after that's accounted for, there are clear differences in amps rated the same or similar power. My Mesa Mark V is a BEAST of an amp. I can't even think about turning it up half way at home. The Archon is rated half that power, so in theory 3dB less volume. I play it halfway up when the wife is not home. Not for long. But I do. If I turn the V up halfway pictures are falling off walls 3 rooms away.
That said, after that's accounted for, there are clear differences in amps rated the same or similar power. My Mesa Mark V is a BEAST of an amp. I can't even think about turning it up half way at home. The Archon is rated half that power, so in theory 3dB less volume. I play it halfway up when the wife is not home. Not for long. But I do. If I turn the V up halfway pictures are falling off walls 3 rooms away.
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